Fixing Sewer pipes and Breaking Rocks

The World Congress for Botanical Gardens last week was great. It was attended by 400 of the world’s top botanists from 45 different countries doing the good work of preserving endangered plants and trees all over the globe. It was good to show these people The Slammer and to talk with those who already own a few.

Meanwhile, some photo’s came through to my email of some other slammer work that had been happening. Not quite as glamorous as planting trees in wonderful places, but maybe just as important a task – fixing a sewer pipe! Digging through concrete, back fill and rock to find the sewer pipe but careful not to break it is, well, very important. Below is a photo of the job. Also some photo’s of our new distributors in Bolivia selling the Hinca, the South American name for The Slammer, at a trade show. I love a person who can slam a rock into bits while wearing a suit.

Please keep the photo’s coming in – we love them.

Happy Slammin’

TJ ” Slammerman” Irvin

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